Self Massage
My Professional and Personal Story from a Self-Massage Perspective
As a child, I was somewhat accident-prone. In fact, on more than one occasion, my eyes narrowly escaped serious injury and possibly life-long damage. When I consider all the pain my body endured at an early age, I feel indebted. Why? Well, because I believe it was through those early life experiences that sentience toward self-healing awoke in me. Two years before my career began in 1981, my first intuitive response came when an aching belly discomfort kept me from falling asleep. I focused with intent while putting my warm hands over the area to move discomfort into and out of my naval. I felt a sense of awe and grace, to accept it as a natural divine instinct, and peacefully went to sleep.
Very early on I used fingertip pressure along with reflexology to self-explore where and how my body held inflammation and pain. I was encouraged to learn that this technique proved to be a self-healing aid time and time again! I feel this early awareness and initial work gave my heart a more responsive and effectual relationship to my body intelligence through my fingertips. Later, I was further inspired by revered sight-impaired (blind) Asian therapists to work and train myself on Clients in a setting of total darkness when applicable.
This combined with years of self-massage evolved my practice to embody both a dual understanding and transparency for how to best approach healing of the autonomic nervous system. I now experience a sentient body intelligence response equal to that of the Client when working on their body. This might be better expressed as a symbiotic exchange between my body intelligence and that of the Client, which culminates in heightened mutual awareness toward healing.
Reflexology and acupressure have deeply influenced my faith in the body to quickly shift itself from a weakened immune system state to a thriving balanced and harmonious immune system state. This includes a strengthened lymphatic system, which lends tremendously to a body’s favorable healing capacity. From sore throats and coughs to emotional vulnerability and mental exhaustion, you can learn to self-heal and maintain a heightened vital state of being.
My Own Carpal Tunnel Syndrome maintenance
Years of hand and finger pressing resulted in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome discomfort in my own body. Naturally, I sought out methods for self-healing this issue. I soon discovered points in the body that, when activated through Reflex Symmetry™ pressing, relieve specific cranial tenderness. To date, I’ve searched and cannot find these body points on any acupressure, acupuncture, massage, or other body bio-system chart.
I continue to maintain regular preventive measures in order to keep all symptoms at a bare minimum!
Recommended Reading
Body Reflexology: Healing at Your Fingertips, by Mildred Carter